A Busy Month in Florida!

May 2, 2023

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Lyda Law Firm Florida was busy this April! Attorney Eve Lumsden was out and about in the community meeting new friends, fundraising, and donating.

Eve had an amazing time visiting local colleges to search for a home for her upcoming legal clinic, meeting with clients to discuss their estate planning and probate needs, having coffee and lunch with amazing Chamber of Commerce members, dropping off breakfast for local law enforcement, and attending various BNI meetings.

The highlights of her month were collecting eyeglasses in partnership with Fravel Brewer Orthodontics to donate to the Lions Club of Ocoee and walking on the CFAWL (Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers) team at the Harbor House Paws for Peace Walk in downtown Orlando. The Lions Club of Ocoee assists the sight and hearing impaired so they can fully participate in the local community. Every eyeglasses donation is important, and the community donated over 40 pairs this year!

Harbor House is Orange County’s only state-certified domestic abuse service provider and seeks to eliminate domestic abuse in Central Florida. Harbor House has the only on-site kennel in Central Florida for the pets of domestic abuse survivors at its Emergency Campus. The Paws for Peace Kennel removes a key barrier to survivors seeking help and safety and ensures no family member is left behind in an abusive home. The CFAWL team raised hundreds of dollars in donations for this worthwhile cause!

Stay tuned for all of the fun and excited events that Lyda Law Firm Florida has planned for May!

In-person meetings by appointment only.

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