April 16, 2015
Payday Lending Reform Protects Colorado Consumers

This past week, at the periodic meeting of the Council of Advisors on Consumer Credit, representatives of the Colorado Attorney General's Office presented encouraging statistics about the number of payday loans in Colorado. Since passage and implementation of reform legislation in 2010, the number and dollar amount of payday loans has dropped drastically. Importantly, interest […]

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March 20, 2015
Notre Dame Lawyers Volunteer at LawLine 9

I had a great time volunteering with other Notre Dame alumni lawyers at our annual St. Patrick's Day volunteer activity, LawLine 9. This event is always a great experience. Denver's Channel 9 news hosts several such volunteer service activities thought the year, when lawyers take calls and offer free advice on a wide variety of […]

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January 3, 2015
Happy New Year! Good News You May Have Missed in 2014, from Bill and Melinda Gates

As we look forward to 2015 and reflect on 2014, here is some great news courtesy of Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. While 2014 saw a good deal of tumult at home and abroad, it also saw significant advances for humanity. The child mortality rate fell for at least the 42nd year […]

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October 9, 2014
Dumb Starbucks: Lessons for Small Business

Andy Kaufman-esque comedian Nathan Fielder recently aired the "Dumb Starbucks" episode of his Comedy Central television show, Nathan for You. In it, he chronicles his Dumb Starbucks experiment, in which he opened a nearly exact replica of Starbucks, relying on parody law. "By adding the word 'dumb'", Fielder stated, "we are legally allowed to use the […]

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September 25, 2014
Lyda Law Firm Takes Colorado Supreme Court Pro Bono Challenge

The Colorado Supreme Court has a great program for encouraging pro bono work. It asks law firms, solo practitioners, and in-house counsel or government groups to commit to the annual goal of 50 hours of pro bono legal services by their Colorado-licensed attorneys, averaged across the firm and pro-rated for part-time attorneys. Today, the Lyda […]

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Ste. 501
Denver, CO 80212




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