Criminal Defense

Defending Your Rights, Every Step of the Way

Facing Criminal Charges? Lyda Law Firm is Your Trusted Ally in Navigating the Criminal Justice System.

When you're facing criminal charges, your choice of legal representation is the most critical decision you'll make. At Lyda Law Firm, we're committed to defending your rights and offering high-quality legal services that are accessible to everyone. We specialize in misdemeanors, traffic offenses, and more—always with the goal to democratize the law.

Why Choose Lyda Law for Criminal Defense?

  1. Experienced Legal Team: Our attorneys are skilled in the ins and outs of criminal law, ensuring you're represented by experts who know how to get results.
  2. Accessible Services: With offices across the country and the flexibility for virtual consultations, we strive to make legal services accessible to all.
  3. Client-Centric Approach: Your concerns are our priority. We work tirelessly to safeguard your rights and provide the best possible outcome for your case.

Our Areas of Practice

  • Misdemeanors: From petty theft to simple assault, our attorneys can guide you through the complex legal landscape.
  • Traffic Offenses: Whether it's speeding, reckless driving, or DUI, we can help minimize the impact on your record and your life.
  • Pre-Trial & Plea Negotiations: Our skilled team is adept at negotiating favorable terms, potentially avoiding trial altogether.
  • Post-Conviction Services: Faced with penalties? We can assist with appeals, record sealing, and more.
  • Internal Disciplinary Actions: Lyda Law Firm can represent you in an internal disciplinary action at your company or institution, providing zealous and professional legal advocacy while standing with you through your most stressful time.

Learn more about our Practice Areas

Get in Touch

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today for a consultation and let us help you turn the tide in your favor.

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In-person meetings by appointment only.

If you have legal insurance, please call 844.844.LYDA (844.844.5932)



5335 W. 48th Ave.
Ste. 501
Denver, CO 80212




Los Angeles:
11845 W. Olympic Blvd.
Suite 1100W
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Santa Clarita:
28338 Constellation Road
Ste. 900
Santa Clarita, CA 91355





4700 Millenia Blvd.
Suite 500
Orlando, FL 32839

1101 S. Tamiami Trl.
Suite 101
Venice, FL 34285



Boise area:
3597 East Monarch Sky Lane
Suite 240
Meridian, ID 83646



Kansas City:
7280 NW 87th Terrace
Kansas City, MO 64153

Serving rest of Missouri remotely



40 Burton Hills Blvd.
Ste. 200
Nashville, TN 37215



411 W Monroe St #6
Austin, TX 78704

2833 Crockett St.
Fort Worth, TX 76107

Permian Basin & Monahans:
201 E. 4th St.
Monahans, TX 79756



450 Alaskan Way South, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98104

Also serving clients remotely in:









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